Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The first major step

I've been on this path toward becoming a traditional midwife for awhile now. But within the last three months I have really kicked it into high gear. My doula work has really picked up and that has really intensified my passion for birth again.

I am honored to have been awarded the Heart of a Midwife Scholarship from Ancient Art Midwifery Institute. Again, another thing that has suddenly rekindled the flame for me.

I am so grateful to the Universe for opening the doors for me and gently insisting that I renew my dedication to birth and women's health care.

Next week, I am taking my first initial toe-dip into my training. I am travelling to Fayetteville, Tennessee to attend a basic skills workshop at Blessed Care Birth Center. To say that I am excited is one of the biggest understatements I have ever made. I can't seem to think about anything else in the last few days.

Starting this blog right now is perfect, because I will be able to document my trip to Tennessee and all of the experiences of the workshop. I am stretching it out into a miniature road trip for myself, and will be travelling from Wednesday until Monday, with two days of workshop tossed in for good measure.


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