Thursday, April 29, 2010

Five days left!

I swear that logically I know that this first semester of school is really just a first semester of school, completely with the boredom and frustration that come along with a communication class and an anatomy class.  But I still just can't help but be so very excited to get started!  It seems like once a day or so I get an email from someone at the MCU office and I just about burst with excitement, like they're writing to tell me that just for me they're going to start the semester early. *giggle*  (Oh, that's hilarious, because if you know me at all, I am NOT a giggler.  I laugh or cackle.  Loudly. No polite little giggles for this amazon!)  I'm just so excited that I'm tittering with anticipation. Maybe I need to spend some time thinking about organizing my time and school work. That might kill the next five days.

This weekend I am getting blessed with two beautiful pieces of furniture!  First a desk, which I have needed for a long time but really need now that school is starting. I need somewhere to be able to call home base for studying.  And our lovely friend Emily has generously offered me the desk she'll no longer be using when she begins cohabitating on June 1.  And then shortly after receiving the offer of a desk, I caught wind via Facebook that Julia's parents were looking for a new home for their solid wood hutch.  YES, please!  It's cabinets on the lower half, glass and wood doors on the upper.  It's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!  It's going to be the ideal location for my "library" and supplies. We're picking up my desk on Friday and my new hutch on Saturday, and I'm absolutely sure I will post pictures of them very soon. 


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