Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ah summer!  It's been beautiful.  I've been on summer break officially for a week.  I finished up my finals last Tuesday and ever since I have just been completely vegetating.  For an entire week, I did nothing but catch up on episodes of The Colony, drinking coffee, and reading absolutely trashy novels.  I have a wonderful new doula client, so I am also prepping to get started on prenatal appointments with her.  And the weather has been perfect!  If you could write a script for a glorious summer break, this would be how it would be written.

Technically, classes do not start for another two and a half weeks.  But luck of all luck, Karen Strange is in town next week to present her Midwifery Management of Neonatal Resuscitation workshop.  I am so utterly thrilled about that.  Not only will I get my Neonatal Resuscitation Provider certification, but through a workshop that is touted as one of the best around.  Incredibly exciting.  Of course, the day after the workshop, my little family is headed off on vacation, but I honestly don't really care all that much!  I'll just have to pack early.  It's just such a wonderful opportunity!


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